
in May-June Learn more about in May-June

  • Introduction to the planting method of "plant gold" oat!

    Introduction to the planting method of

    When it comes to oats, most people should be familiar with it. It is not only a kind of miscellaneous grain with high nutritional value, but also a common nutritional tonic, which has the effect of lowering cholesterol and blood sugar, so it also has the reputation of plant gold.

  • When will Tongchuan cherries ripen?

    When will Tongchuan cherries ripen?

    Cherry is a common fruit in our country, which usually ripens and goes on the market in May-June. Some of them will take their children to the orchard to pick in person during the holiday. When will Tongchuan cherries ripen? When will Tongchuan cherries ripen? Tongchuan cherries are usually 5-

    2020-11-09 Tongchuan cherry when ripe yes our country common
  • How to raise lilies in family farming

    How to raise lilies in family farming

    How to raise lilies in family farming

  • When does the spoon flower bloom?

    When does the spoon flower bloom?

    Spoon medicine usually blossoms in May-June. Depending on the variety, peony flowers will bloom in April. Because of the many colors, they are very popular with flower friends, and there is an endless stream of people taking pictures and watching them. When does Paeonia lactiflora bloom? the florescence of Paeonia lactiflora is in spring

    2020-11-11 Spoon medicine flower when flowering spoon medicine in general in May-June
  • How to make Chinese wolfberry bear more fruit?

    How to make Chinese wolfberry bear more fruit?

    How to make Chinese wolfberry bear more fruit? Please introduce the method that Lycium barbarum is a deciduous vine shrub of Solanaceae, which blossoms twice in May-June and September-October every year, and matures one after another from August to December. In order to make Chinese wolfberry bear more fruit, it must be placed in a sunny place, resistant to drought and afraid of waterlogging. In addition to keeping the basin soil moist during the growing season, watering should be strictly controlled. Note.

  • Qinghai eggplant ginseng

    Qinghai eggplant ginseng

    Scientific name: Mandragorachinhaiebsis family genus: eggplant family Ginseng Genus florescence: May-June distribution: born in the beach grassland or rock crevices, forests, etc., at an altitude of 3650-4000 meters. Distributed in Qinghai and Xizang. Introduction: perennial herbs. The root is fleshy, bifurcated. Rhizome short, densely scalelike leaves; stem 3-6 cm tall. Leaves set at the top of the stem, long elliptic or shovel-shaped elliptic, 3-6 cm long and about 1.5 cm wide. five

  • Charm lily (Dutch lily)

    Charm lily (Dutch lily)

    Liliumenchantment morphological characteristics: Liliaceae is a perennial perennial root herb, plant height 40-60 cm. Stem erect, bulb oblate. Leaves lanceolate. Flowers trumpet-shaped, orange, erect upward, petals rolled outward, florescence May-June. Capsule, yellowish brown, fruiting September-October. Habitat distribution: sexual preference for warm and sunny environment, cold tolerance, suitable for growing in loose sandy loam. Reproduce by sowing or dividing bulbs. This plant comes from Holland and Beijing.

  • Gardenia blossoms several times a year

    Gardenia blossoms several times a year

    Four seasons gardenia can bloom twice a year, each time the florescence is about half a year. The ordinary gardenia blossoms only once a year, generally blossoms in May-June, and can continue to blossom until August. Of course, different gardenia varieties, the length of flowering will be different. Here we go.

    2020-11-09 Four seasons gardenia flowers one year blooming several times four seasons
  • The latest peony blossoms several times a year.

    The latest peony blossoms several times a year.

    Paeonia lactiflora blossoms once a year, and its flowering time is from May to June each year. The flowers generally grow at the top of the stem or near the axils of the apical leaves. If you want to make its flowers bright and beautiful, you need to let it have enough light, otherwise it will appear with only long leaves but not blossoms.

    2020-11-10 The latest peony one year blooming several times flowers
  • When is the latest ripe season of red bayberry? how to choose the fruit?

    When is the latest ripe season of red bayberry? how to choose the fruit?

    First, when is the ripe season? bayberry is a common fruit. The ripening season is generally in the early summer, about May-June, so the time of picking and listing is about before and after the Dragon Boat Festival. The ripening time of red bayberry varies in different regions, and the temperature picks up.

    2020-11-10 The latest red bayberry mature season is what month how select one
  • Medicinal resources and intercropping techniques of Bletilla striata

    Medicinal resources and intercropping techniques of Bletilla striata

    The medicinal resources and intercropping technology of Bletilla striata refers to planting more than two kinds of crops on the same land at the same time according to a certain number of rows, which can not only make full use of the land, but also make full use of light energy and carbon dioxide.

  • Pink dragon sand gemstones are opened several times a year.

    Pink dragon sand gemstones are opened several times a year.

    Pink dragon sand gemstone is a single-season flower, mainly concentrated in May-June. However, under the condition of proper maintenance, the large seedlings can rebloom a little from August to September. And its young seedlings and medium seedlings open in spring, generally can only open once. In the process of maintenance, we should pay attention to the following points.

    2020-11-09 Pink dragon sand gem one year open several times pink dragon yes
  • Orchids pest control

    Orchids pest control

    Anthracnose, this disease is the most common disease of orchids, mainly harmful to leaves, late disease spots produce black dots, eventually pathogenic leaves yellow, the disease occurs in May-June, plum rain season or September-October autumn rain or typhoon years.

  • The breeding methods of red diamonds are as follows

    The breeding methods of red diamonds are as follows

    The leaves of red diamond plants are large, and many people like to keep them indoors as decoration. What is the breeding method of red diamonds? 1. The breeding methods of red diamonds are as follows: red diamonds are usually propagated in May-June. Each stem segment with one leaf is cut with a knife as cuttings, or cut.

    2020-11-08 Red diamond of reproduction method as follows red diamond plant leaf large
  • Persian chrysanthemum blossoms several times a year. May October blossoms twice a year.

    Persian chrysanthemum blossoms several times a year. May October blossoms twice a year.

    Whenever someone posted a large sea of flowers in the group, they also said, "what kind of flower is this?" and then a group of people appeared and said it was "Gesang flower". Every time I see here, I want to run out and say, its scientific name is Persian chrysanthemum. -.

  • Sowing time of Cuiju

    Sowing time of Cuiju

    The sowing time of different varieties of chrysanthemum is also different, and the dwarfs raised by families are generally sown in spring. The dwarf chrysanthemum is suitable for sowing in the greenhouse from February to March or in the sunny bed in March, and can blossom in May-June; sowing in the open field from April to May and from July to August.

  • The cultivation prospect of Gastrodia elata is promising.

    The cultivation prospect of Gastrodia elata is promising.

    According to Wang Kangcai, Associate Professor of traditional Chinese Medicine Research Office, School of Horticulture, Nanjing Agricultural University, Gastrodia elata is a valuable traditional Chinese medicine. Due to the large gap between supply and demand in the market, the cultivation of Gastrodia elata is particularly hot. According to the current market analysis, the price of dried Gastrodia elata is 150-200 yuan per kilogram, the profit is about 200 yuan per square meter, and the cultivation prospect of Gastrodia elata is promising. The growth of Gastrodia elata does not need light, but only suitable temperature and humidity. In most parts of the country, there are broad-leaved tree resources and slightly acidic or neutral sandy soil.

  • Planting method of potted Paeonia lactiflora

    Planting method of potted Paeonia lactiflora

    Peony flower, it also has a more sad name, perennial herb, is a very valuable flower, with the characteristics of light, fertilizer, cold tolerance, and beautiful flowers, many families plant it as a potted plant. Because peony flowers usually bloom in May-June.

  • Expert introduction: the cultivation prospect of Gastrodia elata is promising.

    Expert introduction: the cultivation prospect of Gastrodia elata is promising.

    According to Wang Kangcai, Associate Professor of traditional Chinese Medicine Research Office, School of Horticulture, Nanjing Agricultural University, Gastrodia elata is a valuable traditional Chinese medicine. Due to the large gap between supply and demand in the market, the cultivation of Gastrodia elata is particularly hot. According to the current market analysis, the price of dried Gastrodia elata is 150-200 yuan per kilogram, the profit is about 200 yuan per square meter, and the cultivation prospect of Gastrodia elata is promising. The growth of Gastrodia elata does not need light, but only suitable temperature and humidity. In most parts of the country, there are broad-leaved tree resources and slight acidity.

  • The method and matters needing attention of hydroponic culture of Zhu Jiao

    The method and matters needing attention of hydroponic culture of Zhu Jiao

    Zhu Jiao likes high temperature, is not cold-resistant, and has a strong ability to adapt to light. if it is too dark, its leaf color will turn to light green, and the ornamental value will be reduced a lot. Zhu banana can be cultivated not only in soil, but also in water. Hydroponic culture of Zhu banana may be a relatively novel method, but the success rate is still relatively high.
